U galeriji medijskih ličnosti na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije ime Marka Lopušine ima značajno mesto, jer je njegovo pero ostavilo dobar trag u pisanom novinarstvu. Lopušina je 2004. godine u Srbiji od strane UNS proglašen za najboljeg novinara. Rođen 1951. godine u Raškoj, Srbija. Završio osnovnu školu i Gimanziju u Brusu i Fakultet političkih nauka u Beogradu. Nije član nijedne stranke. Oženjen je i ima sina.
Marko S. Lopušina potiče iz bratstva Jokanovića iz plemena Drobnjaka sa Trebjese. Imalo je bratstvo i nadimak Lopušine, jer je junak Vuk Jokanović “sekao turske glave kao lopure”. Početkom 20. veka Lopušine su se iz zavičaja u Strugu i Sirovcu kod Nikšića odselili u Srbiju, neki u Boku, a neki u Rusiju.
Radio je u listu „Sekundarne sirovine“ 1976. kao novinar i urednik, u listu „Zdravo“ 1978. kao novinar, u magazinu „Intervju“ od 1981. kao novinar, urednik, a 1997. bio i glavni urednik. A potom urednik u magazinu „Profil“ (1999.) i lista “Nedeljni telegraf” (2008.). Danas je reporter VEČERNJIH NOVOSTI i ILUSTROVANE POLTIIKE iz Beograda.
Prvi tekst u “Ibarskim novinama” u Kraljevu objavio je davne 1963. godine. Bio je potom 1972. godine kao student saradnik “Džuboksa”, “Studenta”, “Mladosti”, omladinskih glasila, a kasnije kao diplomac žurnalistike bio je saradnik „Politike“, “TV Politike”, „Ilustrovane politike“, „Revije 92″,“TV novosti“, “Evropskih novosti”,“Dnevnika“,“Jedinstva“,“TV Politike“,“Arene“, „Starta“ i “Profila”/“Dame”. Danas je pisac i reporter portala „Serbiana“ u Detroitu, „Ogledala“ iz Čikaga, „Srpskog Glasa“ u Melburnu, „Novina“ iz Toronta, Srpskog radija u Los Anđelosu i Sidneju, Srpske zajednice u Mariboru i portala u Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji. Saradnik je SANU i Matice srpske na SRPSKOJ ENCIKLOPEDIJI, poglavlje o iseljenicima i dijaspori.
Autor je pedesetak feljtona o iseljenicima, obaveštajnim službama, delinkvenciji, kao i 37 knjiga o srpskoj dijaspori, tajnim službama, policiji i mafiji. Dobitnik je desetak novinarskih i literarnih nagrada. Lopušina je uvršćen u ediciju Kongresne biblioteke u Vašintgonu za 2008/09. godinu “Who is who in USA and Canada”. Uvršćen u knjigu „Ko je ko u Srbiji“. Član je Udruženja novinara Srbije, član Udruženja književnika Srbije i član Udruženja ribolovaca Zemun. Član je Kongresa srpskog ujedinjenja iz SAD i član asocijacije Srpska veza iz Beograda. Počasni je član Tesline naučne fondacije u Filadelfiji od 2012. godine. Saradnik je Srpskog instituta u Vašingtonu .
Dobitnik je nagrade “Laza Kostić” Udruženja novinara Srbije za 2002. godinu i vlasnik zlatnog prstena UNS kao jedan od najboljih novinara za 2004. godinu. Posle Priznanja izdavačke kuće “Narodna knjiga” u 2003. godini Lopušina je postao najbolji publicista u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Dobitnik je Bronzane povelje na Internacionalnom festivalu reportaže 2004. godine u Somboru. Vlasnik je Zlatne značke Kulturno-prosvetne zajednice Srbije za 2008. godinu.
Od svih priznanja najviše ceni reči svoje majke Radmile, koja je jednom prilikom rekla: “Nisam znala da je ovo moje dete tako hrabro i da ima odvažno pero u rukama!”
Nosilac je ordena Vuk Stefanović Karadžić za doprinos novinarstvu, srpskoj kulturi, informisanju i očuvanja identiteta Srba u dijaspori. Vlasnik je najnovije nagrade “Zlatno pero 2013.” Srpskog kulturnog društva “Štajerska skupnost” iz Maribora. Poslednja priznanja koja je dobio su Plaketa Narodne skupštine Srbije, Odbora za dijasporu, februar 2014. godine i prva nagrada za publicistiku “Dragiša Kašiković” za 2014. godinu.
Marko Lopušina živi u Zemunu, radi u Beogradu i piše širom srpskog rasejanja.
Matica iseljenika Srbije mu je za ENCIKLOPEDIJU SRPSKE DIJASPORE u aprilu 2017. dodelila Povelju “Rastko Petrović” za doprinos saradnje matice i Srba u rasejanju. A Radio Čikagu mu je u jesen 2017. dodelio Zahvalnicu za višegodišnju sradnju i podršku.
Svetski novinar Miloje Popović Kavaja predložio ga je za akademika. A Univerzitet Slobomir iz Bijeljine ga predlaže za počasnog doktora ovog Univerziteta.
Biography of journalist and publicist, Marko Lopušina, PhD
With books “Serbs in Austria” and “Serbs in Berlin”, published recently by Novi Sad-based publisher “Prometej”, diaspora historian Marko Lopušina, the only PhD in the field of Serbian diaspora, has written as much as 20 books on diaspora. “Serbs in Berlin” is to be published in German as well, and new book “Serbs in Great Britain” is also in preparation.
As an active journalist and writer, Marko Lopušina has left a significant mark in written journalism and publicism. At Belgrade’s Book Fair in 2019, Lopušina has received the Special Charter from “Prometej” Novi Sad, “EUprogress” Association from Novi Sad and Diaspora Association “Koreni”, “as a sign of great gratitude for the extraordinary contribution in decades-long literary, publicistic and journalistic work of following the life and work of Serbian diaspora on all continents”.
In 2004, Association of Journalists of Serbia has proclaimed him the best journalist. In 2014, he was proclaimed the best publicist, when he received the “Dragiša Kašiković” award. During 2018, as an author of numerous books on Serbs in diaspora, Lopušina was named the honorary doctor of sciences of Slobomir University in Bijeljina.
Lopušina has deserved this title due to his four decades of researching Serbs in diaspora. His mission, as he has admitted, is to revive the thought of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, who has once said: “Serbs, all of them, everywhere!”
Lopušina turned this Vuk’s thought into deeds that gather all Serbs worldwide at one place. He wrote 20 books on Serbs in diaspora, he has put them in three encyclopedias – „Serbian Encyclopedia“ by SANU and Matica srpska, „Encyclopedia of Republika Srpska“, as well as his own „Encyclopedia of Serbian diaspora“, in three volumes.
Today, Marko Lopušina is a historian and doctor of Serbian diaspora. He was born in 1951 in Raška. He has finished elementary and high school in Brus and Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. His father is Svetozar Lopušina, descendant of Jokanović family from Drobnjak tribe, who have changed their surname while getting away from Turks and became Lopušina. His mother is Radmila Jovanović from the village of Ugljarevo near Vrnjačka Banja. He has an older brother Mirko. He is married to Jelena (Iković) Lopušina from Gajdobra and they have a son Dušan Lopušina.
He worked in the newspaper „Sekundarne sirovine“ in 1976 as a journalist and editor, in the newspaper „Zdravo“ in 1978 as a journalist, and in the magazine „Intervju“ since 1981 as a journalist, editor and in 1997 he was also the editor-in-chief. He was then editor of the magazine „Profil“ (until 1999) and the newspaper „Nedeljni Telegraf“ (until 2008).
Today, he is a pensioner of „Večernji novosti“ from Belgrade and
reporter of „Ilustrovana politika“, „Večernji novosti“, „Serbianna“ in Detroit, „Ogledalo“ from Chicago, „Srpski Glas“ in Melbourne, Serbian Radio in Los Angeles, Serbian Community in Maribor.
He is an associate of SANU and Matica Srpska on the biographies of emigrants and the organizations in the diaspora. He is an associate of the Academy of Republika Srpska and an associate of the Serbian Institute in Washington. He is preparing the book „Serbs in Great Britain“. You can order his books from the publisher www.prometej.rs
As an advisor in the Matica of Emigrants of Serbia and Serbs in the region and as a historian of the diaspora, Lopušina is fighting to determine the exact number of Serbian people in the diaspora.
As a historian of the diaspora, Lopušina claims that Serbs live in 159 countries of the world, in which they have left very deep and significant Serbian traces. According to his personal estimate, there are as many as 150,000 Serbian toponyms in the world today, i.e. names and traces, from Alaska and Australia, through three Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe.
Serbian history has been written together with the history of Russia or Austria for five centuries. That is why Lopušina lists some of the important toponyms, namely 660 Serbian memorials, ossuaries, cemeteries and monuments in the world, one hundred temples of the Serbian Orthodox Church which has 27 dioceses abroad, then 22 monuments to Saint Sava and Nikola Tesla, five cities named Belgrade, two Serbian states-cities in Ukraine, Hilandar on the Holy Mountain.
Emigrated Serbs, 2.5 million of them abroad, make up another Serbia. Serbs in the diaspora have a hundred clubs, associations and federations, in which they nurture Serbian culture. The biggest Serbian capital – Serbian intellect – is abroad.
Serbians have approximately 20,000 scientists, professors, but also thousands of successful artists and athletes. In terms of art, Serbs in the United States have eight Oscar winners, four Pulitzer Prize winners and twenty-four players in the best basketball league, the NBA.
Marko Lopušina proved with his books about Serbs in the diaspora that emigrants and Serbs in their home countries are one national being. And that they should breathe and live as one. His mission is that, at least in books, Serbs abroad and Serbs in homeland countries, are united and function as a small global nation.
Due to his work and reputation, Marko Lopušina was included in the edition of the Library of Congress in Washington for 2008/09. year “Who is who in USA and Canada”. He is also included in the book „Who is who in Serbia“. He is a member of the Association of Journalists of Serbia, the Association of Writers of Serbia and a member of the Association of Serbian Writers „Sedmica“ in Germany.
He is the owner of the „Laza Kostić“ award of the Association of Journalists of Serbia for 2002 and the owner of the UNS gold ring in 2004 as one of the best journalists in Serbia. It was then said that Lopušina was a writer with a brave pen. He won the Bronze Charter at the International Reporting Festival in 2004 in Sombor. He is the owner of the Golden Badge of the Cultural and Educational Association of Serbia for 2008. He won the „Golden Pen 2013“ award of Serbian Cultural Association „Štajerska skupnost“ from Maribor.
The Association of Serbs in Slovakia awarded him the Silver Medal „Svetozar Miletic“, and the Association „Nikola Tesla“ from Canada awarded him a similar medal with the image of a Serbian genius. He has a letter of thanks from Serbian Radio Chicago from the USA and the Serbian Unity Congress from San Francisco. He received a special Plaque from the National Assembly of Serbia, Committee for Diaspora, in February 2014.
In 2017, the Matica of Emigrants of Serbia awarded him the Charter „Rastko Petrović“ for his contribution to the development of the Serbian diaspora. He is the holder of the state Order of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić for his contribution to journalism, Serbian culture, information and preservation of the identity of Serbs in the diaspora.
Marko Lopušina lives in Zemun, works in Belgrade and writes widely abroad.
PS. Marko Lopušina online:
Website: www.Lopusina.com
Serbian Wikipedia Marko Lopušina
Project Rastko: Portraits of Contemporaries: Marko Lopušina